Advanced SystemCare

Download Advanced SystemCare® v16.4 | All In One System Optimizer for Windows | Tube2Downs
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Windows Optimizers May 10, 2023 49.1 MB Free 🔒 IObit

Advanced SystemCare is a all-in-one system cleaner, protector, and optimizer application for Windows developed by IObit®. It includes 32 tools for deep system optimization, spyware cleaner, privacy traces cleaner, registry repair, disk defraggler, and much much more. - Learn More


⮉ Advanced SystemCare Changelog

+ Enhanced Junk File Cleanup to free up more disk space

+ Improved Privacy Cleaner to better protect your privacy

+ Software Update supports updating the latest Google Chrome 112.0, Edge 112.0, Firefox 112, etc.

+ Improved Startup Optimizer to manage more startup items for PC to start faster

+ Bigger Browser Protection database for safer and smoother browsing experience

+ Multiple languages have been optimized

+ All known bugs have been fixed

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